Mill explained that the beef has been going on for a longtime and intervening is not so simple at this point. “What they got goin’ on, they grown men. It’s been going on for a long time. If I could, I would,” Mill said on Shade 45’s Sway in the Morning.
Mill added that he’s known Fif longer than Ross, and explained he’s not about to turn his back on either artist or get stuck in the middle of their dispute. “I knew 50 before I ever even signed with Ross. When I signed with Ross, I couldn’t just act like I don’t like 50 at all. That would be fake of me. If I could, I would. I don’t like seeing nobody I know go through anything. I don’t want to be in the middle one day and gotta choose sides or anything like that,” said Mill.
Mill added that he has thought about bringing them together and explained that if he’s around while they are, he’ll do his best to prevent them from going at each other. “I had plans on doing that. If I ever see them around each other, if I’m around, there ain’t gonna be no fighting or nothing like that,” said Mill.
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