Wednesday 4 September 2013

Man Eats 61 Crickets In 60 Seconds

Eat bugs. They are good for you, claims a magician.Does eating 61 crickets in 60 seconds sound gross?

Perhaps, but it’s better than smoking, according to magician Richie Magic, who recently set a world record during lunch time by eating 61 little bugs, breaking the previous record of 37 set in 2009 by Don “Hell Dragon” Wilson.

It was not pretty, according to Magic, he found the taste a little bitter, among other things.

“I think they are like sunflower seeds, but the legs got stuck in my teeth,” he said recently.

However, the bug world record was a breeze compared with other world records he has under his book. In May 2011, he put out 70 cigarettes on his tongue in 60 seconds.

“It takes a while for the tongue to heal after a stunt like this,” he said. “I could not eat spicy foods for a while. This world record however caused no side effects, apart from the legs getting stuck in my teeth of course,” he said.

The Magic did not eat crickets, just for fun. For each record he sets, he wants to send a message. For example, Magic, a smoker who has struggled to quit, put out the cigarettes on his tongue to send a message to kids not to smoke.

In this case, he did not eat the bugs to warn children about the dangers of eating insects, but to offer children a healthy alternative for protein.

“These days, foods are being pushed on children specifically in fast food in the restaurants that are full of fat and processed carbohydrates,” he said. “A healthy diet consists of about 50 gramsbof protein a day. The 61 bugs I ate in a minute, set a record world record for bug eating, but also was 25 percent of my protein requirement for the day without much fat,” he also said.

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