Wednesday 30 January 2013

Israeli Warplanes Struck A Convoy Entering Lebanon From Syria


A western diplomat and a security source told Reuters that Israeli jets attacked a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border overnight.
"The Israeli air force blew up a convoy which had just crossed the border from Syria into Lebanon," an unnamed security source told Agence France-Press.
A "well-placed defense analyst" told John Ray of ITV News that the strike was in Hezbollah

Lebanese territory and the missile struck a "truck of scud and antiaircraft missiles" headed to members of the Iran-backed militant group.Two officials told The Associated Press Israel had been planning to hit a shipment of weapons for the last few days because it contained Russian-made SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles, which would be strategically "game-changing" in the hands of Hezbollah.

Israel recently moved one of its Iron Dome missile defense batteries to the north of the country, which means there are now two in the area.
On Monday Israel Army Radio reported that security chief Yaakov Amidror was headed to Russia to discuss the Syrian crisis. On Tuesday Al-Monitor reported that IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aviv

Kochavi was traveling to Washington for consultations with American officials.
Israel has indicated that any sign that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was losing control of his chemical and/or conventional weapons could trigger Israeli military strikes.
On Tuesday Israeli Air Force (IAF) chief Major-General Amir Eshel told an international aerospace conference that the IAF was involved in "a campaign between wars," working with Israeli intelligence agencies in often covert missions "to reduce the immediate threats [and] to create better conditions in which we will be able to win the wars, when they happen."
An Israeli Defense Force spokeswoman declined to comment on the reports.
In October Sudan accused Israel of bombing a arms factory that was widely believed to be owned by Iran and used to supply weapons to Hamas in Gaza.

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