Tuesday 19 February 2013

Seal Team 6 Shooter Says The Game’s “Red Nation” Was His Theme Song Before Missions Like Killing Osama Bin Laden

The Game
The Game It looks like Game’s  ‘Red Nation‘ was the theme song for the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 when they were going after Osama Bin Laden.

Last week Esquire sat down with one of the members of Seal Team 6 known as “The Shooter,” the same team responsible for gunning down Osama Bin Laden, and he revealed how difficult it was for him to get a job in the civilian world.

In addition to discussing his life after gunning down Bin Laden, “The Shooter”  also revealed that he was a big fan of west coast rapper The Game, and that ‘Red Nation’ was a song he listened to before training. “We were the Red Team and we were going to leave some blood.”

The Game recently sat down with Esquire to talk about the news, and The Game explained that he felt real “patriotic” and “American” after hearing the news.

“I feel real patriotic. I feel real American. I feel like I had — ’cause what if he was listening to, like, John Mayer? Than he probably would’ve missed the shot or something. But I feel like “Red Nation” had him on-point,” the rapper continued. “I would’ve never imagined that they would be getting pumped up and ready to go on a mission, a field mission to kill bin Laden. I know dudes that do it in the locker room — football players, basketball players. You never just think that that secret, silent bin Laden team is pumping your music. But they’ve got to be pumping somebody. So I just appreciate that it’s me, man. That’s f**king crazy.”

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