Wednesday 28 August 2013

Donald Trump claims U.S president is behind $40 millison lawsuit,says 'Obama is out to get me!'

Donald Trump has come out with all guns blazing today after New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman launched a $40 million lawsuit against him, claiming that the real estate mogul’s ‘Trump University’ had ‘falsely’ promised to make students rich.

Speaking on Fox & Friends on Monday morning, Trump proceeded to trash talk Scheiderman before going as far as to suggest that the president was behind involved the legal action.

The lawsuit was filed on Saturday, just days after Schneiderman had met with the President on Thursday evening, said Trump.

‘They meet on Thursday evening. I get sued by this A.G. Schneiderman, I get sued on Saturday at one o’clock. Think of it. What government agency in the history of this country has ever brought a suit on a Saturday? I never heard of such a thing,’ Trump said.

Trump, who described the lawsuit as ‘incompetent’ and ‘terribly drawn,’ predicted that the lawsuit had the potential to be another scandal for the Obama administration.
‘They obviously did it very quickly, but probably Obama - maybe this is a mini IRS. Maybe we have to get the Tea Party after these people because this could very well be a mini IRS,’ Trump said.

After receiving the lawsuit on Saturday, Trump quickly took to twitter where he accused Schneiderman of ‘trying to extort me’ and described him as a 'total sleazebag,' a 'lightweight' and 'dopey.'

On Monday morning, Trump took to the airwaves to defend his reputation, claiming that the school had a 98 percent approval rating from students.
On Good Morning America he called Sneiderman ‘a political hack.’

‘I know him very well. He comes up to my office looking for campaign contributions. He tells me lots of unflattering things about Obama, he tells me lots of unflattering things about Governor Cuomo,’ said Trump.

‘He was very upset with the fact that we didn't help him. He thought we should have helped him much more. He is a political hack from beginning to end.’

Source: Dailymail

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