Wednesday 21 August 2013

Man reunited with his family 19 years after his abduction

A Chinese man who was abducted as a toddler has been reunited with his parents nearly two decades later thanks to a routine DNA test.

Xiao Ji, now a 21-year-old student, was snatched in the street in Guangzhou, in the south of the country, as his parents took him shopping when he was just two years old.Traffickers sold him to an unsuspecting family in neighbouring Fujian province, where he grew up with no knowledge of his birth parents.

However, his parents Huang Shouping and Lin Sun never gave up looking for him.'We always knew that one day we would find him so we did everything we could to make that happen,' Mr Huang said after the reunion.The couple found their son when they gave a blood sample to police, who compared their DNA with Mr Xiao's and made a match.

'The idea is that all adopted children who come to the notice of the authorities - through national army service or government work - are tested against the DNA records of parents whose children have been taken,' a police spokesman said.Adoptive father Zhang Huan told police he had no idea that Xiao had been stolen when he bought him.'My wife and I couldn't have children of our own,' he said. 'The man who sold him to me told me he was his own son and he could not afford to keep him.'

The student is overjoyed by his discovery, and plans to remain in close contact with both his birth and adoptive families.'I have four parents instead of two,' he said. 'My adoptive parents were a great mum and dad who gave me a lot of love and care.But I have a new family now who I have to get to know all over again.'

Source: Dailymail

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