Sunday 18 August 2013

Switzerland builds £1.5m drive-in sex chalets so prostitutes can service clients in privacy

The drive-in sex booths will open to the public on August 26 in an effort to improve prostitutes' working conditions
Authorities in Zurich are trying an innovative way to regulate prostitution by introducing 'sex boxes' as discreet solicitation areas.

The nine boxes to be unveiled this month in a former industrial estate have been converted at a cost of £1.5 million.

The boxes in Zurich will allow prostitutes to conduct their business in more privacy
They will be in use daily, from early evening until 5am.

They will then drive into one of the wooden sheds, which are hung with safe sex posters.

The boxes are equipped with panic alarms which can be activated if the clients or prostitutes feel in any danger.

The sex workers will have to register with a health insurer and buy a 'work ticket' each night for £3.50 each night that they work.

Prostitution in Zurich will be confined to the booths and two other zones after they open.

This is intended to curb the large numbers of prostitutes working in residential areas and in the city centre.
There has been constant conflict with prostitutes and residents in the past.
Rules of engagement: Clients are shown clearly what acceptable behaviour is, including a ban on photography and more than one customer at a time
'This removes the problem and allows us to have a closer eye on the sex industry and its many problems,' said a city spokesman.

Similar initiatives are already in use in German cities including Essen and Cologne.


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