Saturday 22 June 2013

REVEALS!! Michael Jackson’s 60 days with no sleep is ‘a record’

Michael Jackson may have been the first person to go 60 days without proper sleep, an expert told the singer’s wrongful death trial.

The King of Pop’s personal doctor Conrad Murray gave him dangerous sedative propofol to knock him out at night for a full two months.
Jurors in LA heard the drug does not allow natural sleep, inducing something more like a coma.
Expert Dr Charles Czeisler told the court Jacko, 50, would have died from lack of sleep if a propofol overdose had not killed him. Before his death Jacko could not do simple dance moves or remember words to songs.

Dr Czeisler said his symptoms were “consistent with someone suffering total sleep deprivation over a chronic period”.

The Jackson family are suing concert giants AEG who employed Murray  for £26billion.

Source: The Sun

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