Sunday 1 September 2013

I understand Obama’s decision to go to war with Syria – UK Prime Minister

 London – British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Saturday that he understood President Barack Obama‘s decision to ask the US Congress to authorise military action against Syria, after his own parliament blocked him from involving British forces in any strikes.

“I understand and support Barack Obama’s position on Syria,” said Cameron in a tweet.

Cameron suffered the biggest defeat of his three years in office on Thursday when lawmakers in the House of Commons voted 285 to 272 against the government’s call for action to punish the Syrian regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons.

The opposition Labour party had called for “compelling” evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime had gassed its own people before launching an attack.

Cameron pledged to respect parliament’s wishes.

Obama told Cameron in a phone call on Friday that he “fully respected” the decision, according to Downing Street.

But he now risks suffering the same fate as the British leader.

The US Congress is to debate Obama’s decision to attack Syria during the week starting on 9 September when lawmakers return to work, its speaker said.

Before announcing his decision, Obama called his French counterpart Francois Hollande.

France is the only Western power likely to take part in future strikes.

Officials at Hollande’s office in Paris also confirmed the call, adding that both leaders had stressed they remain “determined to act” despite Obama’s decision to consult Congress.

Source: AFP

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