Tuesday 4 June 2013

Mosquito bite puts hol girl in wheelchair for four months

According to The sun-A British tourist was left paralysed and in a wheelchair for four months by a mosquito bite.Natasha Porter, 23, began losing the feeling in her toes after the insect struck two weeks into an Australian holiday.

Within days she could not lift her arms  and was soon unable to move from the neck down.
Medics in Cairns initially diagnosed an allergic reaction and even stress.

But they finally found the mozzie bite had triggered a condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome, in which the body’s immune system attacks itself.

Natasha, from Crawley, West Sussex, was devastated when doctors told her she might die.
She said: “I was so scared. I remember feeling guilty because I knew I was going to have to call my parents. I was thinking, ‘How do I call them up and say I might be dead in a few hours?’.”

Natasha, who was paralysed below the neck for three weeks, gradually began to get feeling back and has now made a full recovery.

She wants to continue her travels — and even hopes to climb Everest. She said: “I don’t want to waste any more time.”

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